Some of the projects I have created or put my stamp on over the years.

At this stage I've lost count of how many side projects I've worked on, or how many domains I've registered for them. Sometimes you just have to get the idea out of your head and 'onto paper' as they say or in my case, code. Below are some of my favorite projects and some highlights from my career.

  • Next SEO

    Open source library I created that makes managing SEO easier in Next.js projects. I committed the first line of code over 5 years ago and since then, it has grown into one of the most popular libraries for Next.js.

  • Learn Next.js

    I had the pleasure of co-creating a course for Vercel on SEO and Core Web Vitals. The course covers some of the most important factors for SEO and clever ways you can leverage Next.js to improve your site’s performance.

  • That Bingo Game

    During COVID lockdowns, running family bingo nights became a popular activity. I built a web app to make it easier to run a virtual bingo night. It allows anyone to join a game and see live updates in real-time.

  • Photography (NFT)

    Decided to mint some of my photography as NFTs on Foundation to see what it was like as a creator. The shots were taken as part of college projects from years ago.